Amid the ongoing Russian invasion, Ukrainian companies have demonstrated
remarkable resilience. Ukraine's market is undoubtedly promising and full of
exciting opportunities. However, reliable news regarding recent business
initiatives can be hard to come by. This is why Spondeo decided to create a
single source you can depend on.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new LinkedIn page and mid-
monthly LinkedIn newsletter, dedicated to providing you with the latest insights
on the business and economic landscape in Ukraine.
Our goal is to keep you informed about recent developments in the Ukrainian
market, while also highlighting the country's cooperation with Poland and
Finland, and sharing news about intriguing business prospects.
In the newsletter, you will discover a thoughtfully curated selection of stories
presented across various sections, including Polish-Ukrainian news, Finnish-
Ukrainian news, Business in Ukraine, IT Sector, Economy, Events & Conferences,
and Tenders.
Explore our latest newsletter here:
Follow our page on LinkedIn to stay ahead in the dynamic business landscape of Ukraine: