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Key elements of successful integration: Efecte's acquisition of InteliWISE

Efecte is a growing SaaS business helping service organizations digitalize and automate their work. In 2022, Efecte acquired InteliWISE, a Polish Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) company. As Efecte already had well-functioning partnerships with several software developers in Poland, it was well acquainted with Polish culture, its high-quality talent and similar working styles.

Source: Efecte

The drivers of successful integration

One of the main criteria driving the acquisition process was the cultural fit between the two companies. The team, leadership, and key stakeholders from both companies met several times to ensure a unified ambition. A key element in solidifying a common culture and strengthening the togetherness was bringing the teams together, both physically, at a town hall event in Poland and in Efecte’s HQ, as well as virtually, on a joint Slack channel.

Integration streams also played an important role throughout the process. Starting from Day 1, leaders formed a core integration team and focused on creating clarity, confidence, transparency, and regularity in the companies’ communications. Efecte assigned a designated person in the new position of Integration Manager, which was another crucial step in the process. This ensured that someone was in charge of all the integration streams, implementation timeframe, communication, and spirit throughout the journey.

Efecte also set common clear targets for the process. The first remarkable milestone reached was the launch of the first joint product at a record speed of less than three months at Digitalize & Automate 2022.

Through the InteliWISE acquisition, Efecte established Poland as one of its direct markets. Since the acquisition, Spondeo has been a great help in guiding the company through the practices and policies of the Polish market.

The integration project is still ongoing and next year promises to be no less eventful, with joint strategy execution plans for all functions. Efecte is looking forward to starting the new year together with the team, which continues to grow.

+48 227 656 000

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If you're thinking about starting your business in Poland, we'd love to hear from you! Reach out to the Spondeo team, and we'll be more than happy to assist you. Our expertise lies in market research, finding the perfect business partners, organizing kick-off projects, and providing a range of other services to help you get your business up and running in Poland.

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