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Finnish Business & Culture in Poland 2025 is released!

You can read our 4th publication online, and prints are on the way! 


The content summary:


🔋 Energy section: insights from Finnish energy companies - Wärtsilä, Fortum, Taaleri, Pinja, and Suomen Biovoima. 


💼 Finnish business success stories and new companies in Poland: Nordea, WithSecure, Iceye, Saxdor, Europress, Salesmanago, FirstWhistle/Juuriharja, Drop, Ruokaboksi and Tietoevry. 


🤝 Business Support Companies in Poland: expert interviews and business tips from Ahopelto Nordic, Ecovis, Finnlines, Kipinä, Leinonen, Pagero, Polar Night Software, Poznań City, Lodz Special Economic Zone, HT Laser and experiences from ReBuild Ukraine fair. Obviously, we have also introduction of the Finnish Trade Guild in Poland, interview with its new/old Chairman Esko Kilpinen plus summary of Business Finland team activities in 2024 and insights from Antti Rahikka who is managing the whole CEE area.


🥇🎭 Finnish Culture & Sport in Poland: Events in 2024 such as the Polish Climate Congress, Sopot by The Book Festival, Vivelo 2024, Charity cinema events by Spondeo and Orion, Kalevala festival and Finnish Education Days.

As always, there are list of books translated from Finnish into Polish in 2024, plus interviews of Adam Sandach (translator of Finnish literature into Polish) and Toni Stenström telling about his upcoming book of Finnish-Polish history.

You will also find interviews with Honorary Consul Andrzej Parafiniuk, Marta Szewczyk from the Embassy, Antti Haikala sharing NIKO the reindeer story, Santa Claus himself and FIN athletes in POL Daniel Håkans and Joona Monto + list of FIN athletes in Polish clubs. Special thanks to Toni Hyyryläinen for sharing some stories from the crazy years!

📊 Check also maps of Finnish companies in Poland, TOP 10 fast growers, biggest employers and biggest companies per revenues.  We also have a Finnish-Polish Calendar 2024, statistics and some more.


A huge thank you to our sponsors who supported and trusted our work: Ahopelto Nordic | Magazyn Biomasa | Suomen Biovoima | Drop. | Ecovis | Elomatic | Finnlines | First Whistle | HT Laser | Kipinä | Leinonen | Lodz Special Economic Zone | Neste | Nokia | Nordea | Orion Pharma | Pagero | Polar Night Software | Poznan city | Rebuild Ukraine | Sand Valley | Suomen Unipol 


Huge thanks also to Nick Faulkner, who ensured that the text was fully professional.

Enjoy your reading! We look forward to your feedback! 😊

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